What is the most satisfying outcome and at the same time the most challenging to deal with? It’s the late night call from a family whose main wage earner has been injured or taken ill, worried about paying the bills.
Self-employment is now increasing and with it the amount of families who are made vulnerable due to the lack of protection. Being able to tell the family that the income protection or the life assurance are in place can at least stop them worrying about losing their home.
The last thing anyone with a major health condition needs is to worry about debt.
I became a financial services professional motivated by a need to do something to change outcomes for people. Having experienced, at close hand, what happens when the protection is not in place.
My profession gets more complex by the addition of pension freedoms, ISAs and General Investment Portfolios but at the core it’s about making certain that money is in the hands of the right people when it’s needed.
Over the years I have dealt with claims for Critical Illness and Income Protection.
I do not remember anyone saying that it was too much. On the contrary the majority say I wish I had more. The job of a good adviser is to ensure it’s sufficient and that the premiums are affordable.
Interestingly, very few people can tell me how long they get paid when off work sick, yet they usually know how much holiday they are entitled to. Yet to protect those holidays for the future, you need an income.
One of the Income Protection providers we use is The Exeter and I would like to share one of their claim stories.
Please read it, and once you have, pass this on to someone you care about : Adams Claim Story – 2017-2420