As Christmas approaches, like so many other business people, I am starting to focus on 2017 and the opportunities and challenges ahead.
For financial service professionals the year ahead is largely dependent on the needs of clients and how to respond.
Over the last 36 years the financial landscape of my clients has changed from one of building and preserving capital for an unknown future to dealing with current and imminent needs for income and capital. Included in those current needs is often how and where to find help with the care system, if not for us then for our elders.
There are now many and varied websites and organisations to sign post you but what when things start to go wrong? Our NHS is struggling under the burden of bed blocking and, the lack of adequate care provision, even when we have our own savings to pay for care.
With this in mind I accepted an invitation to attend a seminar given by a firm of solicitors with a Specialist Care Team. The team deal with Continuing Health Care, Court of Protection, Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney and Will Disputes. Many firms offer such services but none, in my experience, provide the same level of team approach.
I am always reluctant to recommend a service, partly because I need to feel confident in those providing it and partly because I do not want to upset other firms, who may have similar competencies. But on this occasion I was struck by two things: they work as a Team and they have passion.
Professionals are not normally passionate people; competent, skillful and knowledgeable but rarely passionate. In fact most are determined to be dispassionate and show professional detachment. Why would I choose someone with passion? It’s because when the going gets tough it takes passion and determination to get things done.
Debbie Anderson and her team offer FREE Legal Advice Clinics for the over 50s, which provide advice on legal matters including:
- Social Care Assessments and Care Fees
- Entitlement to free NHS continuing healthcare funding
- Mental capacity and best interests
- Court of Protection applications.
You can find them on
It is my wish that none of my clients face the worse challenges of failing health, either mental of physical in the coming year and I look forward to seeing each one of them again soon.
Wishing everyone a very Joyful Christmas.