Most want a more personal, face-to-face, service

One of the most challenging issues for an adviser arranging health related cover over the years has been the service from the insurance company.

Fortunately times have been changing and real improvements for the customer experience have happened.

Let’s have more of this great client-oriented approach.

Helping Hand service

RoyalLondonBrightGreyCartoon85%* of people recently surveyed by YouGov (2,093 UK adults) said they would prefer their second medical opinion to be face-to-face.

And 58%* said they would want any recommended courses of treatment from a second opinion to be available on the NHS.

Through  Helping Hand service,  clients and their families (spouse/partner and children) now have access to a face-to-face second opinion from a medical professional within the NHS or private sector in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man – whichever is right for each client.

And as our second opinion service works with UK based consultants, any recommended courses of treatment are in line with NICE guidelines (or equivalent) and are accessible through the NHS.

The same insurance provider give  clients access to a personal nurse adviser, who can find the best consultant for them and arrange for their consultation to take place. Their nurse adviser can also arrange additional services to help support them through an illness. This could include counselling, complementary therapies, or medical aids.

These are the type of developments I am very happy to offer clients, making insurance much more flexible.

*Source: YouGov research, survey commissioned by Royal London, March 2015. Bright Grey will be rebranding to Royal London later in 2015.


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