What is Investor Activism?

EthicalPound100Its recognising that every time you invest money in a pension, ISA or shares, you have the power to make a difference.

Regulators and Legislators can change the way business and government operate but so can the small investor. Individuals acting collectively form powerful alliances.

The personal investment world has developed, mostly driven by profit for the banks and institutions and their agents, with the investor being seen as a secondary interest and the end user of the finance chosen only for short term profit.

Alongside this a growing movement of active investors has developed, each with their own agenda.  The idea of shareholder activism is not new but it is spreading and gaining momentum across the developed world.

eiaLogoFor the over 20 years the Ethical Investment Association (EIA) and its members have provided research and leadership towards a different way of finding sustainable returns.

When it was fashionable, in the wider investment world to ridicule the idea of having an ethical agenda, they provided the vision. Encouraging investor activism towards more ethically based decisions and proving that you can make money without compromising your values.


As an experienced member of the EIA I welcome any opportunity to discuss pensions and savings that won’t compromise your values.

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